Sunday, August 31, 2008

August Results and September Goals

I just calculated my August net worth and it increased!! That's always a good thing. My current net worth is $6,071.42. I am very happy about this. I started the year with a negative net worth. My goal is to reach $7,500 by the end of December. If I work hard, I may be able to reach this by the end of November.

I did pretty well overall with my August spending. I came in under budget in each of my categories. I even ordered a yoga DVD and still managed to not go over. I have decided that I need do something to help me relax. I would love to take yoga classes, but they are not in my budget currently. I found a DVD that sounds great online for $15.

My September goals . . .
1.) Increase net worth by $500.
2.) Limit fun/extra/personal spending to $50. This includes any clothes.
3.) Save $250 towards house down payment. This will be my first month of trying to set aside month specifically for a house down payment, so we will see how it goes.
4.) Buy no personal hygiene or apartment related items. I have so much shampoo, toilet paper, dish soap, etc that I should not be buying anything like this!
5.) Study for career related exam at least 4 times each week. I have been putting this off. It's something that I really want to do, but take a lot of times and dedication which I have not been very good at lately.
6.) Exercise at least 4 times per week. My definition of exercise currently is anything that gets me up and moving. I can't wait for my new yoga DVD to get here to try that. I also go for walks which I count. The weather is going to cool down at the end of the week and I can't wait. I love fall.

I will try these 6 for this month and see how they go. I hope this holds me more accountable and helps me achieve each of them.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thinking Ahead

I did a lot of driving this weekend (780 miles), most of which was by myself. This allowed a lot of time for me to think about things. I went to my parent's house on Thursday. On Friday I drove my grandma back to the town where she lives from the hospital where my parent's live. Then back to my parent's on Saturday and back to my home on Sunday. It was a long weekend. I am exhausted this week!

Here are some of the thoughts that I had about things going on in my life.

I really want a house. Being at my parent's solidified how much I enjoy having a yard, a grill, and no neighbors running down the hall. I am going to try to put about $250 of my savings each month towards a down payment for a home. It will take me awhile to get enough saved, but it's a lot more than I am currently saving.

I have also decided that I am okay with buying a house prior to having my car paid off if I was able to find a home and get a mortgage that fits my budget and down payment that is saved at that time.

I am hoping to start posting monthly goals. I think that this would help me stick to what I want to achieve each month. Then it wouldn't just something that only I know. I am also going to start posting my net worth.

I need to really think about each and every purchase. I want to save as much as possible. I feel like I have cut most unnecessary spending, but I am hoping to find more ways to save. I called my cable company last month and they lowered my internet bill by 20% each month. So, there is one way that I found to save! I am trying to avoid driving unless I really need something. I have a number of books that I would like to read, so this will help me stay home. I also tend to stay home more once winter comes because I don't like going out if the roads are snowy or icy.

I will have to really think about what I want my goals for September to be. I have a week to figure them out.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Unplanned Trip

I am heading home for an unplanned trip tomorrow morning. My Grandma is very sick and in the hospital, so I will be heading back to visit her. I keep extra funds in my gas budget at all times for things like this. I will be driving, so I will be able to use that money without it ruining my entire budget. I am fortunate that I am able to drive since flying is so expensive now. I shouldn't spend too much money this weekend since I will be staying with my parents (and eating their food).

Have a good weekend.

Monday, August 18, 2008

This Weekend

I didn't buy anything except groceries this weekend!! I am very proud of myself for this. I have to admit that I did go to the mall this weekend, but I just window shopped. As much as I felt like I wanted to buy something before I left my apartment, I didn't feel the urge when I got there. I almost felt guilty walking into a store and thinking about buying anything. It makes me feel a little proud of myself. I hope I can keep this up. I really want to save money!

I am struggling to decide if I should save for a house down payment for pay my car off. I have always thought that I would want to pay my car off before I bought a house, but now I am not so sure. I am getting frustrated with apartment life, so that's contributing to the question at hand.

Any suggestions?

Saturday, August 16, 2008


It's still early on Saturday morning, and I am itching to shop. This is not good!! I am really trying to save money and not spend it. Some days you just want to go spend some though! I am thinking about going to the mall this afternoon if I still feel this way. I am hoping that the feeling will go away. I really want to save as much as I can so that I can build up my emergency fund, travel fund, and house down payments fund as quickly as possible.

I am getting sick of living in an apartment, but I don't have much choice right now. I don't have the money for a down payment or the continued upkeep on a house if I did buy one. With all of the changes to the lending industry, I think I might have to save longer than I was initially planning for a down payment.

Some times it just seems like even though you're saving, it's never enough. I really don't like those days.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

ING Account

I just opened an ING savings account. I am very excited about this. I used the referral link so that I got a $25 bonus. I am going to use this account to track the money that I have to either pay off my car loan early and/or use for a house down payment. I am hoping this will be an incentive to save even more.

I added a link on the side for a referral bonus. If you open an account with $250 or more, you will get an additional $25 by using this link. I will also get a $10 referral bonus. I only posted one link as I am still learning how to do things like this. I will post more if anyone ever uses this one!! It seems like most people out there already have an ING account.

Have a great rest of the week! (I wish it was Friday!!)