Friday, April 3, 2009

Long Weekend

I had today off from work, so I am hoping to accomplish a lot this weekend. I cleaned my apartment last night. I picked up a few groceries today as well as worked out. I will finish up laundry over the rest of the weekend.

I also need to spend a lot of time studying this weekend. My first review class for my exam was on Tuesday night. I enjoyed the class, but now I have a lot to get done prior to next week's class. I hope to get some studying in tonight and then a lot on Saturday and Sunday.

I am looking at apartments this weekend. I gave my notice on Monday. I will be moving in with a friend. I should be able to save a lot money by doing this. I hate moving though. I decided that buying a house right now wasn't the best option for me. I don't want that commitment right now. I will post more about my new budget once we figure out where we are going to live so I know the exact costs. I do think I won't see a savings until July due to moving costs.

I am also hoping to figure out some more food options this weekend. I really struggle with what to eat because of my food allergies. I eat the same things throughout the week and it gets old!! I need some variety. I also want to eat healthier than I have been. I haven't been eating that bad, but I do eat some sugary foods here and there. I hate myself afterwards because when my blood sugar drops I don't feel so great.

We might get more snow this weekend. I just want spring to come!

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